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La finca El Rapolao, parcela más fresca de la zona de Valtuille, situada sobre suelos de arcilla con poca materia orgánica.
Tras la vendimia manual, ya en la bodega, los racimos enteros fermentan en barriles abiertos con levaduras autóctonas. Finalizada la fermentación realizan una crianza de 12 meses en barricas de roble francés.
The 2018 El Rapolao was produced with the grapes from the adjacent plot to the one from Castro Ventosa. It has maybe 5% white grapes and a faint reductive character—a flinty or gun powder note, turning into sesame seeds á la Coche-Dury with time—that the vineyard can have, with a lot less alcohol (13%) and is lighter and more ethereal and elegant. This is floral, clean and fresh, fulfilling the fresher and more elegant style of the 2018s. It follows the style of 2016, perhaps with a touch more depth and complexity, and it is more elegant, with more refined tannins and a chalky sensation. 984 bottles were filled in December 2019.